BAR YUMMY SAKE @ Shibuya only 5 days

Blind tasting sake bar “BAR YUMMY SAKE” will open for only 5 days at Shibuya! The elusive Japanese Sake bar, BAR YUMMY SAKE. If you experience secret blind tasting in here, you will find sake that is perfect for you. The BAR YUMMY SAKE will be open at Shibuya. You don’t want to miss a golden opportunity like that! Why do not you come to find “Really favorite taste” even you do not know? YUMMY SAKE is the system that is using artificial intelligence (AI) examines your taste preferences simply by blind tasting 10 kinds of sake. BAR YUMMY SAKE ‘s “three delicious” contents to enjoy 01. YUMMY ZONE – … Continue reading BAR YUMMY SAKE @ Shibuya only 5 days