Koenji Sake bar hopping The 2nd・Gurumasu

Koenji Sake bar hopping The 2nd・Gurumasu   As long as you have “Gurumasu” (Event origenal a square wooden sake cup), you are available to join this event. You can buy “Gurumasu” in “自由人酒場”(Google map) and “JAPUB 円蔵”(Google map) for 500yen. If you have already “Gurumasu”, you are free to join. As you bring “Gurumasu” to participanting restaurants, they offer you a cup of selected scecial sake for 400yen. You can taste sake and special event appetizer. <Co-located event> Street performers event 高円寺びっくり大道芸 You can see their juggling while tasting sake. Participating Restaurants and Sake 自由人酒場 / 阿武の鶴おりがらみ(山口) JAPUB 円蔵 / 高円寺純情純米酒 (山形) 割烹DISCO 大蔵 / えぞの熊 (旭川) Smile Earth / 恋をするたびに … Continue reading Koenji Sake bar hopping The 2nd・Gurumasu