Teaching resources Alphabet Letter Search I spy Alphabet Letter Worksheet Generator Excel File

Teaching any class requires lots of preparation and lesson planning in advance. I know how time consuming and stressful this can be sometimes.

Thankfully, there are lots of teaching resources on internet, however sometimes not 100% fit ideal resources. So, I sometimes create teaching resources.

I hope it will help to someone for teaching English in Japan or all over the world.


Alphabet Letter Search/ I spy Alphabet Letter Worksheet Generator Excel File

Product Description

Alphabet Letter Search/ I spy Alphabet Letter Worksheet Generator Excel File

This I Spy activity is perfect for when you want to have a little fun with your children, while testing to see how well they know their alphabet, and if they can pick out the letters!

As young learner cannot keep their concentration for a long time, teacher need to provide variety of activities. This would be helpful for you.

This printable excel sheet file contains search-and-find activity worksheet and answer sheet for all 26 letters of the alphabet (Uppercase, Lowercase and both mix together). You just press the button and all the time alphabet layout is changed.

You can make All alphabet searching worksheets in different level. This is fantastic for kids who are learning to identify the letters of the alphabet, and who enjoy doing this type of activity.

Please enable macro. Password is not set, feel free to arrange yourself.

This is NOT compatible with Google sheets.

Free sample are here. Please check them.

Alphabet Letter Search “s” / I spy Alphabet Letter “s”

Lowercase only is here. >>>https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Alphabet-Letter-Search-s-I-spy-Alphabet-Letter-s-4820610

Alphabet Letter Search “S” / I spy Alphabet Letter “S”

Uppercase only is here. >>>https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Alphabet-Letter-Search-S-I-spy-Alphabet-Letter-S-4820618

Alphabet Letter Search “s” or “S” / I spy Alphabet Letter “s” or “S”

Uppercase and Lowercase mix together is here>>>https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Alphabet-Letter-Search-s-or-S-I-spy-Alphabet-Letter-s-or-S-4820638

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