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ESL used to do と would 以前は(昔は)〜した/〜だった used to do vs would 違い

I used to go to school by bus when I was a student.
I would go to school by bus when I was a student.
過去の習慣、繰り返し行われたアクション regular actions / habits in the past

used to

肯定文)I used to go to school by bus.
否定文)I didn’t (did not) use to go to school by bus.
疑問文)Did you use to go to school by bus?


肯定文)I would go to school by bus.
否定文)I wouldn’t (would not) go to school by bus.
疑問文)Would you go to school by bus? (文法上は正しいがほぼ使われない表現)

wouldは used to と違って「(〜の時は)…したもんだなぁ」という、昔のことを懐かしく思い浮かべるような場面でよく使われます。(回想)

wouldとused toは同じような意味で使うことができますが、状態を表す動詞(loveなど)と一緒に使うことはできません。その場合はused toを使います。
状態を表す動詞: love, hate, like, live, belong, have

1When I was a child I ____ like peanuts.

  • didn’t use to
  • wouldn’t
  • both are correct

Answer: didn’t use to
used to + 動詞の原形 (NOT would)は過去の状態、状況をいう時に使う。
would は過去の繰り返し行われたアクションについて使う。(回想)

2In the morning he _______ sit on the front porch and read.

  • used to
  • would
  • both are correct

Answer: 両方正解
過去の習慣や繰り返して行われたアクションなのでwouldused toのどちらも使用可。

3Which sentence is NOT correct?

  • I would go shopping with her every Friday.
  • I would have very blond hair.
  • She would call me after class to chat.

Answer: “Have very blond hair” は状態で過去の繰り返しのアクションではないので used to しか使えない。

4I _______ wear glasses when I was at university.

  • didn’t use to
  • wouldn’t
  • both are correct

Answer: Wear glasses は過去の状態で繰り返し行われたアクションではないのでused toしか使えない。

5When the weather was bad, I _______ stay home and read comic books.

  • use to
  • would
  • both are correct

Answer: 過去の繰り返しのアクションなのでwouldused toのどちらも使用可。

6How many friends _______ have?

  • did you use to
  • would you
  • both are correct

Answer: Wear glasses は過去の状態で繰り返し行われたアクションではないのでused toしか使えない。

7Which sentence is NOT correct?

  • I didn’t use to like cheese when I was younger.
  • I didn’t use to walk home after school.
  • As a child, I would hate having to get up early.

Answer: Hate, love, などは過去の状態で繰り返しのアクションではないので、used toのみ使用可。

8When I was a child, we _______ live in the countryside.

  • use to
  • would
  • both are correct

Answer: 過去の状態で繰り返し行われたアクションではないのでused toしか使えない。

9On Sundays, my mum _______ wake us up and cook pancakes.

  • use to
  • would
  • both are correct

Answer: 過去の繰り返しのアクションなのでwouldused toのどちらも使用可。

10My brother and I _______ fight all the time.

  • use to
  • would
  • both are correct

Answer: 過去の繰り返しのアクションなのでwouldused toのどちらも使用可。

ESL present perfect with FOR and SINCE 現在完了 継続 ずっと〜している

Present Perfect with FOR and SINCE

Present Perfect


have(has) + 過去分詞 past participle


肯定文)He has lived here for three years.
否定文)He has not lived here for three years.
疑問文)Has he lived here for three years?
Yes, he has. / No he has not (hasn’t).
How long has he lived here?
For three years./ Since three years ago.

For + 期間 For + a period of time

for six years, for a week, for a month, for hours, for two hours

I have worked here for five years.
She has lived here for twenty years.
We have taught at this school for a long time.
Alice has been married for three months.
They have been at the hotel for a week.

For は過去形の文でも使用できる。
FOR can also be used with the simple past.

Since + 過去のある時点 Since + a point in time

since this morning, since last week, since yesterday
since I was a child, since Wednesday, since 2 o’clock

I have worked here since 1990.
She has lived here since 1980.
We have taught at this school since 1965.
Alice has been married since March 2nd.
They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday.

Since は現在完了形、過去完了の文でのみ使用され、普通の過去形の文では使用しない。
SINCE can only be used with perfect tenses.

過去分詞 past participleについて
