




PYPでは担任制で主要科目については同じ先生が担当しますが、MYPでは教科ごとに先生も変わるので、授業を受ける生徒にとっては教科ごとに意識が分断されやすいのかもしれません。学年レベルに応じた教科ごとに要求される学習知識の習得をしながら、教科に関わらず使えるスキルであるApproaches to learning (ATL)も同時にレベルアップさせていくのはPYPもMYPも同じで、MYPでは8教科が絡み合いながらスパイラル状にレベルアップしていきます。



  • Mathでグラフ知識をInputしてScienceの実験結果をグラフにして分析する
  • Language and Literature で行うスピーチ表現がI&Sの探検家になりきり探検という行為の正当性を主張するグループとそれを否定して探検家を訴えるグループに分かれてディベートをする
  • デザインの教科のATLがSelf-managementで、工作器具の取扱注意が先生から約束事項として提示され自然な流れの中でInputされ、Scienceではラボレポートの実験で注意事項を書きなさいというOutputになります。



ユニットの最初に出てくるUnit title, Key concept, Related concepts, MYP global context, Statement of inquiry, ATL skills については必ず目を通しておいてください。

Unit titleやStatement of inquiry はユニットの学習テーマなので他のものよりは直感的に理解できると思います。

Key concept, Related concepts, MYP global contextは抽象的で分かりにくいので、それぞれを深追いする必要はないですが、学習を進める上で必ず行う思考やアイデアを広げる時の方向性や、広げた後に課題や成果物でどれを使ってまとめるのかを選択する時の目安になるので、意識はするようにしてください。PYPではキンダーからこれを先生にガイドされながら、複数人で行うことで、様々な考えや意見に触れる機会が生まれます。MYPからはこれを自分はこういう考えだけど、Aさんの場合だったらどうだろう?などと一人で立場や見方を変えながら考えを広げます。



Water Activities and Lesson Ideas for Kindergarten PYP Science

Where is water?

Use this worksheet with children to identify how many different ways we use and find water around their life. Draw picture in each water droplet what they found or thought about.

Where is water worksheet

DIY Sensory bottle

Teachers make one sample, kids automatically copy to make it without instruction. Just mention them to leave space for liquid glue about 20-30% of whole amount of water bottle. Let them fill the bottle as they like with glitter desolations and water. In the last stage, teachers add the Clear Liquid Glue to fill the water bottle as a magic liquid.

You will need:

  • An empty plastic bottle (such as a water bottle)
  • Water
  • Glitter
  • Food coloring
  • Clear Liquid Glue / Laundry starch
  • A funnel (optional)

Build a Water Filter

You will need:

  • Two empty plastic bottle (such as a water bottle)
  • Rock
  • Gravel
  • Sand
  • Charcoal
  • Coffee filter or cotton
  • Tape
  • Box cutter
  • Dirty water

How to make

How to Build a Water Filter

  1. Cut one plastic bottles 1/3 off from bottom (Filter part)
  2. The other bottle cut in half (Receiving filtered water)
  3. For protection, tape the edge of each bottles
  4. Upside down filter part of the bottle which is 2/3 of bottle
  5. Put the filter inside the cut off bottle
  6. Then put these in order from bottom to top as same way without any gaps: Charcoal > Filter > Sand > Filter > Gravel > Filter > Rock

Coloring Worksheet

Build a Water Filter Coloring Worksheet

Water Cycle in a Bag

You will need:

  • Plastic zip lock-style bag
  • Permanant marker(s)
  • Water
  • Blue food coloring
  • Clear tape

How to make

  1. Get your plastic bag and near the top of the bag draw the sun and the clouds
  2. Add water and blue food coloring to fill 2 cm of the bottom of the bag
  3. Tape the bag to a window, adding tape to all 4 corners
  4. Observe the water over the next couple of days.

Water Cycle Song

Water Cycle in a Bag Experiment Worksheet

Water Cycle in a Bag Experiment worksheet

Water Cycle Coloring Worksheet

Water Cycle coloring worksheet

Water Cycle in a Bag Assessment Worksheet

Water Cycle in a Bag assessment worksheet

Why Do We Drink Water?

Importance Of Water

After watching Youtube Coloring Worksheet

3 versions

After watching coloring worksheet

Team challenge, Water is important. Don’t spill it.

You will need:

  • Cups per person

How to play

  1. Divide the group into two teams
  2. Line the two teams up, side-by-side, in single file lines
  3. Fill the cup full of water without any empty
  4. Going over their head they have to pour the water behind them for the next person to catch in their cup
  5. Continue until the last person
  6. The winning team is more water in the cup at the end.

Don’t touch cups together

IB PYP create learner profile cover sheets, drawing poster sheets for kindergarten students

IB PYP create learner profile cover sheets, drawing poster sheets for kindergarten students

Creating IB learner profile attribute posters by students themselves

I love it when students make their own learner profile posters and define these traits in their own interpretation. These are some examples of “Caring”.

examples of PYP learner profile Caring

The IB learner profile

IB PYP create learner profile cover sheets, drawing poster sheets


Create posters that illustrate the Learner Profile Attribute.