PYP unit Sharing The Planet, share resources such as water

Through authentic activities throughout the unit, students are able to construct meaning from direct, real life experiences, where students can begin to put there thinking into practice and understand the world around them.

Last year, during our unit of, the world has limited resources, maths was an important part of the unit. We looked into the situation of water shortages in other countries, and students in my class began to look at their own water use, and through data handling, graphs, measuring, we were able to calculate how much water we use in the classroom on a daily basis, and make changes to use less water.

Through these kinds of experiments students were able to understand and grasp concepts much quicker. Here they were able to construct their own meaning with these real life situations.

As a school, we understand that mathematical practices are changing, and through regular meeting and collaboration. We can continue to change and grow.

Powerpoint Water Quiz for Early years

Water Quiz Power point for science in the early years

Water Quiz Power point for Science Lesson

As educators we must learn how to understand how children learn, and help to guide and scaffold their learning.

One important thing I have learned, is to watch children more closely.
The simplest of marks on a page, has meaning for them, things they make might not mean much to us adults, but to the children are very important.
I think, making a wonder wall could be something useful in my classroom, where I can post students thoughts and questions.

My understandings have changed in many ways, but it is not completely clear yet because there has been so much information to take in and engage with, so more reflection is needed.
Keeping up with the latest technology is also very important, and challenging.

How do you give feedback to your students to help them improve on their learning?

In my school, we are always challenging our students to continue to improve. Along with their portfolio’s , students have their own box, what does not go into the portfolio, goes into the box. Some children are much more involved in mark making then others. We encourage students to go back to these drawings from time to time and reflect upon them, share and hopefully help classmates understand the meanings of these marks on paper.

What opportunities and support do you give children to choose to play with and participate fully in mathematical stations arising from their worlds?

Our classroom is constantly changing and evolving, but one thing always stays the same, the construction corner. The construction corner is an important part of our classroom. It is always a busy place, full of learning. I think it is a place where children feel more create their own worlds, where a lot of puzzle solving, counting, measuring, pattern making goes on here.

How does the outdoor learning environment offer opportunities for children to think mathematically?

At my school, outdoor play is seen as a very important part of the day. We have 3 outdoor sessions each day. Here children have complete freedom to do whatever they want. Lots of role-play, creativity and make believe occur. It helps with spacial awareness and as we have more real life resources they have to create their own play through symbolic learning. They invent their own rules, and take part in social play, constructive play.

Kindergarten, Preschool Morning Circle Time date, today, weather Chart Printable

Product Description

Kindergarten, Preschool Morning Circle Time date, today, weather Chart Printable

Kindergarten, Preschool Morning Circle Time date, today, weather Chart Printable

Circle time date, today, weather Chart Printable for your library, playroom, and classrooms. This will be perfect if you don’t mind the work of laminating/printing on your own to create calendar chart.
You can print it out in A3 or A4 and laminate it for everyday use.
A red arrow is for place it onto the thermometer.
You will find them useful when you laminate them and use them with blu-tack.
Weather(Snow, Stormy, Partly Cloudy, Windy, Sunny, Cloudy, Rain)
Hope you find it useful.

Online digital version (You do not need to cut out, laminate. Paperless!)

Morning Circle Time date, today, yesterday, tomorrow, month, week

How’s the weather today?

It is working on a computer with a mouse by Drag and Drop. It would work on interactive whiteboards. Feel free to check them out.